Tuesday, October 29, 2024
4:30-5:30 p.m
131-I. How Developers Can Combat Threats to Housing Preservation
State Housing Finance Agencies (FHA) use Low-Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC) to promote the preservation of existing affordable housing and close loopholes that threaten that preservation. Housing developers play an equally important role in protecting and preserving existing affordable housing. This session will give housing providers the tools they need to address the greatest threats to the existing LIHTC housing stock, including qualified contracts and the nonprofit right of first refusal. Presenters will offer specific, actionable solutions that housing providers can implement to combat these threats so they can provide stable housing options to older adults with low incomes well into the future.
- Moha Thakur, Policy, National Housing Trust
- Alexander Hagstrom, Attorney, BC Davenport, LLC
- Thom Amdur, Senior Vice President, Impact & Policy, Lincoln Avenue Communities