Sunday, October 27, 2024

1:00-2:00 p.m

39-A. How to Gain Resident Buy-In on Substantive Changes

Is your life plan community planning a substantive change that needs buy-in from residents? Then this session is for you. Senior Living experts in operations, strategy, communications and marketing will fill you in on a strategic process that stresses the importance of transparent and frequent communication, education, and resident involvement. Learn the importance of raising awareness and understanding to build resident support when you announce a prospective change and maintain community engagement. Take home evidence-based recommendations and best practices that will prepare you to implement positive and lasting change within your organization.

  • Len Weiser, Board Member, LeadingAge PA
  • Sandy Taccone, Principal, Chief Executive Officer, Blue Blaze Associates, Blue Blaze Associates
  • Wendy Scott, Principal, Chief Strategy Officer, Blue Blaze Associates