Monday, April 15, 2024

3:45-5:15 p.m

12-C. Embrace Change: Exploring New Approaches to Our Work

Professionals in the field of aging services have long anticipated the changing demographics of the older population and the evolving expectations of older consumers. Yet, many of us are still reluctant to embrace change and feel trapped in traditional models of services and supports. How can we expand our thinking and embrace new approaches, while also being mindful of our current operational challenges and financial limitations? This session will explore promising strategies to help you meet evolving consumer expectations. Presenters will help you consider ways you might address the many layers of diversity in your community and how new models could help you better serve residents of senior living communities and recipients of home-based services.

  • Emily Pierson-Brown, Associate Principal and PEople Culture Manager, Perkins Eastman Architects PC
  • Steve Nygren, Founder and CEO, Serenbe
  • Wendy Bosalavage, Chief Wellness Officer, LIVunLtd
  • Matthew Kinne, COO, Lifespark
  • Eleanore Hunter, Board Member, Rose Villa Senior Living
  • Bob Kramer, Founder and Strategic Advisor, National Investment Center for the Seniors Housing & Care Industry (NIC)
  • Linda Pierson, Consumer,