Tuesday, April 16, 2024

1:45-3:15 p.m

20-E. How Technology Can Drive Change and Innovation in Your Organization

Technology is fast becoming a powerful catalyst for change and innovation across the field of aging services. Let presenters at this session introduce you to cutting-edge, emerging technologies that can help your organization increase quality of life and quality of care while transforming its digital processes and workflows. Technology experts will explore the transformational impact of artificial intelligence, robotics, and resident-facing devices and describe how these technologies can influence business models, operations, and resident interactions. Participants will learn how to harness technological advancements to drive efficiency, enhance the resident experience, and improve care. The session will also address critical factors you should consider when adopting these technologies.

  • Peter Kress, Senior Vice President & Chief Innovation Officer, Acts Retirement-Life Communities, Inc.
  • Michael Hughes, Sr Executive VP and Chief Transformation and Innovation Officer, United Church Homes
  • Joel Rosenberg, Vice President Data & Analytics, LCS