Monday, April 15, 2024

11:00 a.m-12:30 p.m

3-A. Who Benefits from the Rural Aging Action Network?

Older adults living in rural communities often have low incomes and limited access to healthcare, transportation, and other vital services. As a result, many have trouble maintaining their health and independence. This session will focus on the Rural Aging Action Network, a coalition led by Lutheran Services in America, which works with local organizations in four states to connect rural older adults with sustainable community-based services and supports. Join researchers from the LeadingAge LTSS Center @UMass Boston and the director of aging initiatives at Lutheran Services in America for a close-up look at the older adults served by the network, the essential services they receive, and the benefits they enjoy. Discover what is possible when providers of aging services invest in rural older adults.

  • Verena Cimarolli, VP, Applied Research and Partnerships, LTSS Center, LeadingAge
  • Robyn Stone, SVP, Research/Co-Director, LTSS Center, LeadingAge
  • Molly Wylie, Research Associate, LTSS Center, LeadingAge
  • Ashley Washington, Senior Director, Aging Initiatives, Lutheran Services in America