Monday, April 15, 2024

1:45-3:15 p.m

8-B. Policy Update: How States are Regulating Life Plan Communities

Regulatory oversight of life plan communities varies widely across the nation. Many states have adopted statutory language addressing such issues as financial reporting, reserve fund requirements, bankruptcy proceedings, consumer protections, and contract requirements for these communities. Twelve states still have no mechanism to regulate this complex and ever-evolving model. During this session, you’ll gain a high-level understanding of the regulatory language that state statutes share and the distinctive requirements that a few states enforce. Hear from executives at LeadingAge member organizations that are successfully operating life plan communities in a complex regulatory environment, and from leaders who are actively advocating to change their states’ regulatory language. You’ll leave this session with tools and resources to navigate regulatory issues facing your life plan community.

  • Dee Pekruhn, Director, Life Plan Communities Services & Policy, LeadingAge
  • Emiliano Romero, Director of Public Policy & Advocacy, LeadingAge Texas
  • Adam Marles, President & CEO, Lutheran Senior Services
  • Annalyse Komoroske Denio, Housing Policy Analyst, LeadingAge New York
  • Dan Merriman, Sr. Compliance/Public Policy Analyst, LCS