Wednesday, October 30, 2024
8:00-9:00 a.m
150-J. Reboot Your Organization’s Workforce Culture
The aging services workplace changed forever in 2020 when the COVID-19 pandemic wreaked havoc on our organizations and the people we serve. As a result, many pre-COVID organizational processes, structures, and strategies are no longer relevant and must be retooled or replaced. During this session, Human Resources experts will describe the methods they used to reboot their organization’s workforce culture by questioning past assumptions about what impacts that culture, building back effective strategies, and experimenting with new approaches. Hear about their successes and failures and take home actionable strategies for helping your organization attract, engage, and retain excellent team members dedicated to enriching the daily lives and experiences of older adults.
- Derek Fenwick, Vice President, People & Culture, Infinity Rehab
- Jeff Tucker, Vice President of Human Resources, Christian Living Communities