Sunday, October 27, 2024

1:00-2:00 p.m

1-A. What AI-Driven Solutions Will Impact Aging Services?

Artificial intelligence (AI) can help aging services organizations provide the best possible care while relieving pressure on overburdened staff and engaging older adults in preserving their health, independence, and dignity. During this session, a global aging expert, technology innovator, and aging services provider will discuss the current and future market for AI-driven solutions in senior living and the innovations that promise to make the most significant impact now and in the future. Presenters will showcase Cypress Living in Ft. Myers, FL, which is using an AI-powered solution to detect and prevent falls. You’ll go home ready to begin your AI journey.

  • Roeland Pelgrims, CEO And President, Nobi USA
  • Sarah Thomas, Venture Partner, Meztal
  • Joe Velderman, Vice President of Innovation, Cypress Cove