Monday, October 28, 2024
8:15-9:15 a.m
17-D. Navigating the Stormy Waters of a Campus Expansion
What happens when an older life plan community campus with a growing need for new housing plans an expansion that involves relocating a stream and adding a detention basin to an adjacent property? During this session, representatives of Covenant Living Communities and Services in Skokie, IL, will describe how they addressed myriad obstacles while still maintaining a quality design. Presenters will offer advice to help you garner support for your project from stakeholders, stay within your budget, obtain additional funding to address delays, and manage a process you don’t fully control. Get an up-close view of the often-turbulent process of seeking approval for a senior living development expansion. Take home advice that could help your next project succeed.
- Randy Gross, VP of Project Development, Covenant Living Communities and Services
- Ken Kite, Associate/Senior Project Manager, THW Design
- Eric Tracy, Associate, Kimley-Horn & Associates