Sunday, October 27, 2024
4:00-5:00 p.m
28-C. Leadership Diversity: Welcoming Young People of Color
Increasing the diversity of your leadership team can help your organization improve its workplace culture and bolster its success. This session will show you how to help younger people from underrepresented racial and ethnic groups understand the opportunities available to them in the field of aging services. Learn about LeadingAge initiatives that can help you recruit and retain a diverse team and build the leadership skills of team members once they are hired. Leaders of color will be on hand to share their experiences working in aging services and to offer advice for building a diverse leadership team by opening doors for younger people of color and providing the support they need for a long and fulfilling career in our sector.
- Beryl Bannerman, Administrator, Witherspoon Senior Apartments
- Natasha Bryant, Senior Director of Workforce Research & Development, LTSS Center, LeadingAge
- Laiya Haywood-Rollins, Manager, Membership & Workforce, LeadingAge Virginia
- Adrienne Powell Ruffin, VP and Head of LTSS Strategic Initiatives and Operations, LTSS Center, LeadingAge
- Lisha Galloway, Resident Services Director, Edenwald