Wednesday, October 30, 2024
9:30-10:30 a.m
71-K. Growing Pains: Avoiding Landmines as Your Organization Grows
All senior living organizations strive for growth, but it’s not always easy. This session will explore the challenges and opportunities that various organizations have encountered while following a growth strategy. Senior leaders, board members, financing partners, an attorney, and an advisor of Goodwin Living in Alexandria, VA, will tell you how to gain buy-in for your growth plans from residents, employees, lenders, and the local community so your organization can achieve its mission. You’ll take home tips for ensuring your organizational growth reflects its corporate structure, governance, and nonprofit status. You’ll also learn how to identify long-term goals and make tough decisions if growth-related projects are not proceeding according to plan.
- Melissa Messina, Principal, Miles & Stockbridge
- Robert Liebreich, President & CEO, Goodwin Living
- Celia Van Lenten, Principal, Miles & Stockbridge