Sunday, October 27, 2024

1:00-2:00 p.m

86-A. Prison Break: Lessons in Emergency Preparedness

In 2023, an escaped convict eluded authorities for weeks as he roamed Chester County, PA, the home of Kendal~Crosslands Communities. The life plan community found itself in the middle of the crisis when SWAT teams descended on its campus after the escapee was sighted nearby. This session will delve into critical aspects of emergency preparedness planning and how it can ensure a community’s safety during unexpected crises. Presenters will discuss the crucial role community leaders play during crises and provide insights into the importance of conducting risk assessments and paying attention to emerging threats. Find out how Kendal~Crosslands Communities navigated its 2023 crisis by establishing a command center, conducting ongoing communications, and depending on resident and staff resilience and teamwork.

  • Michele Berardi, Senior Director, Communications and Public Relations, Kendal-Crosslands Communities
  • Seth Beaver, Vice President of Community Operations, Kendal-Crosslands Communities
  • Lisa Marsilio, CEO, Kendal-Crosslands Communities
  • Roy Manno, Director of Facilities, Kendal-Crosslands Communities