Sunday, October 27, 2024

2:30-3:30 p.m

89-B. Accelerate Improvement through Collaborative Learning

Legacy Lifecare is a network of charitable, nonprofit senior care organizations with a common managerial infrastructure. Founded in 2018 by Chelsea Jewish Lifecare and JGS Lifecare, the network gives its nonprofit affiliates access to managerial resources usually available only to large, proprietary organizations. This session will explore how the Legacy Lifecare Management System takes a collaborative learning and continuous improvement approach to connecting each organization’s mission with its strategic direction. Presenters will offer guidance to help you analyze how your organization does its work, find new ways to collaborate internally and externally and adapt to a rapidly changing environment. Get an up-close view of how operational expertise and continuous improvement methodologies can help your organization address complex challenges.

  • Adam Berman, President, Legacy Lifecare
  • Betsy Mullen, COO, Legacy Lifecare
  • Katherine Santos, Chief Strategy Officer, Legacy Lifecare