Nursing Home Care Compare was not updated on January 29 as originally scheduled. The site is typically updated on the last Wednesday of each month, with the first month of every quarter receiving the “quarterly refresh” that includes updates to quality measures, staffing measures, and the biggest changes to overall star ratings. This quarterly refresh additionally would have included the unfreezing of four quality measures that were frozen in April 2024 to allow for measure adjustments based on Section GG implementation.
LeadingAge had questioned whether this website would be updated, given the Trump administration’s current pause on external communications from federal health agencies widely reported on January 21, and reached out to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) for more information.
CMS responded that they are unable to provide information at this time. It is unclear when the website will be next updated and whether an off-cycle quarterly refresh will occur, either at the time the pause is lifted or during a monthly update, or whether we will be left waiting until the next scheduled quarterly refresh on April 30.