COVID-19 Infection Control Focused Surveys and the Impact on Senior Living Reimbursements
Residents of skilled nursing facilities and other long-term care organizations are at increased risk for adverse effects related to COVID-19. These facilities must have an infection control and emergency preparedness plan in place to prevent undue harm, manage outbreaks, and continue to comply with CMS regulations. Attend this complimentary webinar to learn about the infection control focused surveys and potential reimbursement impacts.
Who should attend
This session is designed for executive directors, RNs, directors of nursing, CFOs, CEOs, and billing staff of skilled nursing facilities.
Please register by May 20, 2020.
Contact Sada Kempf at or 920-232-2230.
Can’t make the webinar?
Fill out the webinar registration, and you will receive an email with the webinar recording and slides following the event. You may also check out our event calendar to see what else is happening.
Other Upcoming Events
CMS Training For States: Medicaid Access Rule – State Reporting on Timely Access, Waitlists, PCSP.