LeadingAge Iowa 2020 Fall Leadership Conference
  • Jan 01, 1970
  • 8:00 am EST

Connections. They’re more important today than ever before. In a year like this, nothing is business as usual – and that’s especially true for your work serving older adults. We invite you to join us for a virtual experience, an online extravaganza, our 2020 Virtual Conference on Sept. 15-17 & 22-24 where you can connect with your peers, get the latest news, secure 18 hours of CEs through live sessions, and identify strategies for navigating through the historic disruptors facing our field – a pandemic, shifting consumer expectations and more.

We have engaged a state-of-the art virtual event platform which will not only deliver top notch, content rich education but also connect attendees with their peers across the state and with business partners who can help you discover solutions. Here’s an important hint: this will not just be another Zoom meeting!

Attendees will have access to 50 sessions from the location of their favorite internet connection! In addition, LAI knows that 2020 has been a challenging year for members so has cut traditional registration rates by more than 50% to further support members. Just one more way we continue to be here for you!

Between the reduced registration rates and lack of associated travel expenses, we hope that members will take this opportunity to have more team members than ever before engage and connect in the 2020 Virtual Conference. There is something for EVERYONE at this virtual conference…including your direct caregivers and board members!

We look forward to connecting virtually with you in September! Please learn more about the 2020 Virtual Conference at https://www.leadingageiowa.org/2020-virtual-conference.



Dawn Balder


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