An updated timeline related to the latest Minimum Data Set (MDS) was shared by Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) on the Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) Open Door Forum, March 2.
- The final version of the MDS is expected to be released by April 1, along with a draft of the Resident Assessment Instrument (RAI) Manual.
- A draft of the data specifications was released in February, with final data specs expected by May.
- The final version of the RAI Manual will be released in August.
- CMS will release training videos on the MDS beginning in May with live virtual workshops planned for late June / early July.
- A draft item set for the Optional State Assessment (OSA) is expected to be released by CMS in late April / early May, which is the assessment states will use to gather needed assessment data for calculating RUGs payment amounts for Medicaid beneficiaries as they work toward transitioning to PDPM by October 2025.
- Quality measures that utilize Section G in calculations will be transitioned for Section GG later this year with more information to come.