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Congress will likely vote in November on “care economy” proposals to fund expanded affordable housing, home and community-based services, and more.

Polling that LeadingAge commissioned demonstrates Americans strongly support public investment in older adults. Results show that large majorities of Americans are very concerned about how older adults are treated, and believe that elected officials have failed older adults. Americans from both parties want the government to step up with investments and leadership to properly support our nation’s older adults—and they believe that should happen now.

Use the sample press materials below to communicate in your community. Or send a message directly to your Members of Congress. 

Public Opinion Poll: U.S. Attitudes About Investing in Aging Services for Older Adults

For more information, read LeadingAge’s press release. LeadingAge members can access sample press materials for your use

Topline Findings

Americans agree that now is the time to focus on our nation’s older adults.

Support for greater investment in services for older adults is overwhelming and bipartisan.

Americans overwhelmingly support the proposed investments for older adults that are currently on the table.

The public believes that care and services like those currently proposed by the President and Congress are a basic right, and that the government plays a critical role in fulfilling society’s obligation to ensure they are available.

Americans say older adults are not treated well in the United States and that elected officials have failed them.