Resilience in the Face of Adversity

The natural disasters that have touched our world and our communities in recent weeks have caused me to think about resilience. LeadingAge members have managed evacuations when necessary, sheltered-in-place, sacrificed sleep and their own comfort, cleaned up debris, and navigated workarounds with compassion and perseverance.

With help from LeadingAge members across the country, they are doing the hard, dangerous work of putting their damaged communities back on line while caring and supporting thousands of older adults who depend on their skill, courage, tenacity, and gentleness. These members and those who work for them are nothing short of resilient.

Times of adversity bring people and communities together. We saw this in the aftermath of 9-11. We saw this—in a very different context—in the recent advocacy battle to preserve Medicaid. And, we are seeing it today following the hurricanes.

Members are reaching out to help others—deliver food and water, house and transport residents, share fuel, and simply do whatever is needed.

In Texas, we learned about a certified nursing assistant who, after spending 4 days trapped in her own flooded home, risked her life to get back to the residents she cares for. In Florida, one community reports that its CEO and 8 corporate staff flew in to help and worked 24/7 to support their colleagues for days on end.

These are just 2 among hundreds of stories that are beginning to pour in. And I am humbled and awed by the power of the LeadingAge community reading each one of them.

Witnessing such resilience, I feel nothing but admiration for the most remarkable group of people and organizations one could ever imagine having the privilege to work with. Thank you for the work you do every day, even in the most challenging of times.

With gratitude,


Please consider donating to the LeadingAge Hurricane Disaster Relief Fund. 100% of all donations go directly to members in need.


If you’d like to make a donation by check, please make it payable to LeadingAge and send to:

2519 Connecticut Ave. NW
Washington, DC 20008
Attn: Jody Moeller