At The Crossroads Where Care Begins...
Nestled in a scenic country setting, LOCUST GROVE VILLAGE is proud to offer a full continuum of care and accommodate changing healthcare needs. Our village includes retirement apartments, assisted living and a skilled nursing center. Serving local residents since 1978, we have a reputation for high quality health care and retirement living.
Services Offered
- Nursing
- Retirement Community
- Adult Day Services
- Respite Care
- Senior Housing
- Assisted Living
Features Include
Locust Grove Village strives to provide person-centered care services that promote resident choice, family involvement, and staff empowerment. We believe that life is a continuum and that experiences in living and in dying should be celebrated with dignity and respect for the resident’s choices.
Our current residents are afforded priority acceptance into the next level in the continuum of care, assuring them of uninterrupted services in comfortable and familiar surroundings with caregivers who know and care about them.
“I really like it here, it’s like having a brand new house”, Elton says. “The King and Queen of England don’t have it any better than we do!”
—Elton, new Assisted Living resident