It is a privilege to share some personal perspectives on leadership on this occasion of receiving the Award of Honor from LeadingAge. After nearly 40 years in the field of human care services, this award comes as a surprise to me, since my life’s work has never been about accolades […]
Early in his career, a pastor friend gave David Gehm, president and CEO of Wellspring Lutheran Services, a piece of advice. “How I presented in my leadership was how people would interpret our mission: They’d either see mission through me or not see it through me,” Gehm recalls. “As leaders, […]
Lourisa “Lulu” Solomon, RN, will receive the 2024 Joan Anne McHugh Award for Excellence in Frontline Nurse Supervision at the LeadingAge Annual Meeting in Nashville, October 27-30. This year’s award recognizes the critical role that frontline nurse supervisors play in the long-term services and supports (LTSS) workplace. For the past […]
During this year’s Annual Meeting, LeadingAge will recognize the critical role that frontline nurse supervisors play in the long-term services and supports (LTSS) workplace. You can help us elevate this important LTSS role by nominating your frontline nurse supervisor for the Joan Anne McHugh Award for Excellence in Frontline Nurse […]
Pamela Garofolo, corporate director of Tapestries at United Methodist Communities (UMC), Neptune, NJ, is known within her organization as a tireless trainer, creator, and influencer of staff. She combines expertise in serving older adults living with dementia, creative program development skills, and an ability to help staff serve older […]
For almost 20 years, I’ve had the privilege of working with some of the greatest leaders in aging services—in some cases early in their leadership development journey. I’ve seen them build critical capacities like a broadened perspective, an approach that relies on curiosity, confidence, and appreciation, and the ability to […]
Melanie Johnson, RN, will receive the 17th Annual Joan Anne McHugh Award for Leadership in Long-Term Services and Supports (LTSS) Nursing at the LeadingAge Annual Meeting in Chicago, November 5-8. The McHugh Award recognizes a director of nursing (DON) who creates a supportive and engaged workplace environment by displaying excellent leadership […]
Roger L. Myers, president and CEO of Presbyterian Villages of Michigan (PVM), is the 2023 Award of Honor winner. He will be honored on Monday, November 6, during the 2023 LeadingAge Annual Meeting in Chicago, IL. Known as an innovator and a connector of people and ideas, Myers is […]
Dedicated, creative, selfless leaders have built the mission-driven aging services field. Learn why Awards winners inspire new generations of leaders. The Annual LeadingAge Awards have been honoring leaders, educators, innovators, and builders since the earliest days of the organization, when LeadingAge was known as the American Association of Homes […]
The deadline for 2023 LeadingAge Awards nominations is almost upon us. It’s not too late to submit a nomination for the Award of Honor or the Joan Anne McHugh Award for Leadership in Long-Term Services and Supports (LTSS) Nursing. Submit your nominations by midnight ET on June 16! Start with […]