The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) released the FY2025 Hospice Wage Index and Payment Rate, Hospice Conditions of Participation, and Hospice Quality Reporting Program Requirements on March 28. CMS proposes to increase payment by 2.6%. The proposed rule also includes updates to “election statement” and “notice of election” and clarifies who can certify a terminal illness.
The rule includes a request for information on provision of high-intensity palliative care treatments. Finally, CMS proposes HOPE-based process measures; the HOPE instrument; discuss updates to potential future quality measures; and propose changes to the CAHPS® Hospice Survey.
In a March 29 statement, LeadingAge President and CEO Katie Smith Sloan stated, “While any increase in payment is appreciated, we are disappointed with the proposed 2.6% payment increase. […] This is not enough for our nonprofit, mission-driven hospice members who are struggling to keep up with both continued workforce shortages and inflation-driven operating expense increases. Without a better rate adjustment, providers will have to continue to reject referrals and may even close, leaving older adults and families searching for care.”
Sloan welcomed CMS’ RFI on provision of high-intensity palliative care and the release of the HOPE tool. For more detail, see our press release.
LeadingAge is analyzing and will offer further information on the proposed rule.