As required by the Consolidated Appropriations Act 2023, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) released data files, one public and one paid, which they will review as part of the March 29 stakeholder call.
- Public File: CY 2023 Descriptive Statistics from Supplemental LDS: A spreadsheet with information on the number of simulated 60-day episodes and actual 30-day periods in CY 2021 that were used to construct the permanent adjustment to the payment rate. The spreadsheet provides information such as the number of episodes and periods by case-mix group, case-mix weights, and simulated payments.
- Paid File: Supplemental Limited Data Set (LDS): CY 2023 rulemaking that include the simulated 60-day episodes and actual 30-day periods used to calculate the permanent adjustment to the payment rate. The LDS files can only be obtained through a $1,200 per user purchase and also submission of a Data Use Agreement (DUA).