Leading With a Vengeance: A Conversation with Katie

“I will pursue the LeadingAge mission with a vengeance.”

At the LeadingAge annual meeting in Boston 2 months ago, I made this promise to all of our members and I assure you it wasn’t just an attempt to get your attention. No, I strongly believe in our mission and I won’t let you down.

Right now, we are in a vortex, with the forces of change all around us. We are facing changes in health care, the economy, consumer expectations, and technology, among others. The pace of change is getting faster and faster, giving us a shorter time to adapt. And, these changes can and WILL rock our world. I firmly believe that in times of transformation we must re-define reality – or it will be re-defined for us.

The challenge for LeadingAge and for members is to stay one step ahead of these changes to drive transformation to help pave the way for a successful old age – financially, emotionally, socially and physically. In doing so, we have the opportunity to change the conversation about aging and, in doing so, to expand the world of possibilities.

This is the first of what will become a monthly conversation about how we pursue this mission. We will address the issues that are important to all of you and we will look to identify real solutions. Here are a few that come to mind:

  • Strengthen community through thriving nonprofit organizations 
  • Develop strong workforce to meet the needs of a growing aging population
  • Advocate for new financing solutions

Core to our mission is collaboration. Working together, not in silos, to move the needle on the issues that keep us all up at night. As the issues will change, we will adapt to address them. Together, we can transform the aging experience for all – our aging families as well as those who care for them.

I’m excited to roll up my sleeves as I begin my new role as president and CEO of LeadingAge. I’ve been passionate about this organization for 13 years and I will put this passion behind everything that I do.

And I want all of you to be part of this conversation. Comment here, email me, pick up the phone. We are in this together.

So, what keeps you up at night?