In October 2024, the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) issued a recommendation for individuals ages 65 years and older to receive two doses of the 2024-2025 COVID vaccine separated by six months. As the first 2024-2025 COVID vaccines were available beginning late August / early September 2024, many older adults are now becoming eligible to receive this second dose.
Recall that nursing homes are required to educate residents and staff on the risks, benefits, and potential side effects of COVID vaccines and to offer or assist with accessing these vaccines as accepted, including this second dose of the COVID vaccine. Recall too that rates of residents who are up to date with COVID vaccination are likely to decrease in National Healthcare Safety Network (NSHN) reporting over the next several weeks as residents approach the 6-month mark post initial 2024-2025 vaccination.
Nursing homes should be working to offer vaccination to ensure residents are up to date and protected through the summer months, when COVID has shown a surge each year since its inception.