LeadingAge New Jersey & Delaware 2020 Annual Meeting
It is with care and consideration for our members and the people you serve and in response to the ongoing uncertainties regarding COVID-19, LeadingAge New Jersey & Delaware has decided to move the conference to an online platform. The 2020 Annual Meeting & EXPO will be held virtually October 19-21, 2020.
At the LeadingAge New Jersey & Delaware Annual Meeting & EXPO, you’ll connect with mission-driven colleagues and learn what’s working for others, hear fresh perspectives on the most relevant and timely topics in the aging services field, explore new strategies and evolve into a stronger advocate for older adults.
We understand that the Annual Meeting provides you with needed continuing education credits and important information you need to support and grow your organizations. We also know that the Annual Meeting is much more than events and education. It is a gathering of our LeadingAge family and peers. We will be looking forward to uniting with you and your team virtually in October.
Interested in Exhibiting
For information, please contact the LeadingAge New Jersey office at (609) 452-1161 or info@leadingagenjde.org
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Other Upcoming Events
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