A Program Designed to Safeguard Nonprofits / Workforce Solutions for Nonprofits / Helping Nonprofit Employers Thrive
Three Essential People-Centric Approaches to Cultivate Nonprofit Success
Download a free copy of UST’s latest eBook, People First: Strategies for Retaining and Supporting Nonprofit Employees, to discover three essential people-centric approaches that can help cultivate nonprofit success and enhance longevity.

Are You Overpaying?
With many states raising tax rates on unemployment funds that dwindled during the worldwide Pandemic of 2020, nonprofits could be paying as much as $2 in unemployment taxes for every $1 their former employees make in claims. By opting out of the state UI tax system, 501c3 organizations can potentially save thousands of dollars annually. Download UST’s “It’s All About the Numbers Infographic” to uncover the benefits of exercising this exclusive nonprofit tax alternative.