Press Release Category: Statements & Press Releases
Leaders of Faith-Based Aging Services Organizations Urge President Biden: Create a White House Office on Aging Policy
LeadingAge: HUD Funding For Green, Resilient Project “A Tremendous Step Forward”
LeadingAge Applauds House Introduction of Ensuring Seniors’ Access to Quality Care Act
Reax: CMS Ends COVID-19 Staff Vaccination Requirement
Ensure All Older Adults Can Age Unbound: LeadingAge Reiterates Call to Create a White House Office on Aging Policy
LeadingAge Reax: CMS Home and Community-Based Services Program Proposed Rules on Access to Care in Medicaid and CHIP
LeadingAge Statement on HHS Announcement of Increased Transparency of Home Health and Hospice Agency Ownership
LeadingAge Reax: Aging Services Leader on Biden Caregiving Executive Order
April 18, 2023 Washington, DC — When too many American families – including older adults – cannot access the care and services they desperately need, […]
LeadingAge Awards Over $270K in Vaccine Grants via HHS Partnership
April 12, 2023 Washington, DC — Continuing its partnership with the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), LeadingAge, the association of nonprofit providers of […]