Provider Type: Affordable Housing
Senior Housing Weekly Recap of LeadingAge Update(11/18/22)
LeadingAge experts compile a weekly round-up of critical tools and resources for members. Click here to read the Senior Housing Weekly. Recommend
HUD Proposes OCAF Improvements Based on Inflation and Insurance Costs
On November 15, HUD published a Notice to establish Operating Cost Adjustment Factors (OCAFs) for 2023, and to propose changes to the calculation method. OCAFs […]
HUD Finds Provider Discriminated, Retaliated
On November 14, HUD announced that a Section 202/8 HUD senior housing provider and its property management firm, neither of whom are LeadingAge members or […]
Medicare Open Enrollment: Educate Those You Serve
Nicole Fallon, LeadingAge Vice President of Health Policy and Integrated Services Policy, recently recorded a QuickCast to review what aging services providers can (and cannot) […]
Senior Housing Weekly Recap of LeadingAge Update(11/11/22)
LeadingAge experts compile a weekly round-up of critical tools and resources for members. Click here to read the Senior Housing Weekly. Recommend
ACP Outreach Grants; HUD Pilot Coming 11/21
On November 10, the FCC announced $70 million in available awards for a new Affordable Connectivity Program Outreach Grant Program and said that a separate […]
Research Supports CAPABLE Model
HUD and its contractor the National Council for Healthy Housing have completed research on how well the CAPABLE program can be implemented by other organizations […]
Creating a Staff-Centered Workplace: Lessons Learned from Person-Directed Care
Update on Medicaid PHE Unwinding