Provider Type: Affordable Housing
AAAs101 for LeadingAge
Mandate Minute Week 15
This Week’s Highlights: Volume Twenty-Six: Air Date 2.28.22. “From Pandemic to Endemic” Do you all remember our Mandate Minute on Valentines’ Day, about the love […]
Housingx3 in State of the Union
In his March 1 State of the Union address, President Biden referenced housing three times. Affordable housing stakeholders, who hope for even one mention of […]
White House Sees Role for Service Coordinators in Mental Health Strategy
Case Study SelfHelp Connecting Homebound Older Adults Through Technology
PADILLAHousing for All Act of 2022 Section-by-Section
Educate Staff on the Earned Income Tax Credit
Providers can help educate staff on the Earned Income Tax Credit and put more money in their pockets! Changes Congress made last year to the […]
Mandate Minute: Week 14
This Week’s Highlights: Volume Twenty-Four: Air Date 2.23.22. “State Surveyors and Vaccine Mandates” Several states have banned vaccine mandates for all public and private employers. […]
REAC COVID-19 QA 2.8.22 Final 2-8-22