Provider Type: Affordable Housing
HUD Encourages Eviction Prevention, Clarifies Access to Emergency Rental Assistance
After more than a year of various federal-level eviction protections, the CDC’s eviction moratorium for non-payment of rent has been allowed to expire. A patchwork […]
MF COVID-19 QA 7-29-21
Bi-Partisan Package: $65 Billion for Broadband
The $550 billion bi-partisan infrastructure agreement includes $65 billion to “bridge America’s digital divide and build a 21st century infrastructure that will meet our country’s […]
FY22 HUD Bill Passes House
On June 29, the House passed its fiscal year 2022 HUD appropriations bill. The bill represents a more than 11% increase for HUD funding compared […]
President Seeks Extension as Eviction Moratorium Sunset Nears
On July 29, President Biden called on Congress to extend the national eviction moratorium for nonpayment of rent past the July 31 sunset date. And, […]
Survey final results July 2021 affordable housing quarterly
Housing Survey: Fewer Cases, More Vaccinations
The latest quarterly survey of LeadingAge affordable senior housing provider members sheds light on COVID cases, top management challenges, and other issues. The non-scientific survey […]
LeadingAge Statement on Vaccine Mandates for Healthcare Workers
Opening Doors to Aging Services Research Executive Summary 7.26.21