On July 23rd, HUD published guidance for owners to access COVID-19 Supplemental Payments, or CSPs, for Project-Based Section 8, Section 202, and Section 811 communities. […]
Provider Type: Affordable Housing
Updated: HUD announces Service Coordinator CARES Act allocation
July 17th Update: LeadingAge received additional information on the forthcoming Service Coordinator allocations from the CARES Act announced in a HUD memo on July 10th: In […]
HUD proposes new RAD for PRAC forms, provides RAD updates
Recently, HUD issued several new forms for PRAC properties undergoing a conversion through HUD’s Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) program. LeadingAge is working with members to […]
Reopening to Visitors: A Review of CMS and States’ Guidance to Nursing Homes
On March 13, CMS issued a memo that drastically changed the way nursing homes operated. In response to the growing COVID-19 pandemic, CMS directed nursing […]
Staff Vacations and Travel Considerations During COVID-19
CDC Travel Guidelines: CDC has a broad portfolio of resources geared towards helping individuals consider the risks and benefits of various forms of travel during […]
HUD updates guidance on confirmed cases, residual receipts
On March 21, HUD updated its COVID-19 FAQs for Multifamily Housing, including key information for senior housing providers. The new FAQs address residual receipt remittance, […]
Rural Housing to launch service coordination in senior, disabled communities
The COVID-19 crisis has highlighted the connection between health and housing, and the Rural Housing Service is rising to the occasion. During a call with […]
HUD updates FAQs on vacant units and project funds
HUD’s Office of Multifamily Housing issued its most recent FAQs for housing providers dealing with COVID-19. The new information covers a variety of questions related […]
COVID-19 and Affordable Housing Providers: Recap of Key HUD Guidance
As the health emergency continues, affordable senior housing providers have questions about how best to serve residents and continue operations. Keeping in mind that COVID-19 […]
HUD, IRS issue new guidance for stimulus checks
On April 16, both HUD and the IRS announced new guidance related to the stimulus checks of $1,200 received by individuals. HUD clarifies handling of […]