This Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) Minimum Staffing Data services two purposes for members:
- see how each SNF currently stands regarding the proposed mandate of registered nurses (RN) and nurse aide staffing minimums,
- learn the percentage of SNFs in each state who meet or don’t meet the proposed staffing minimums by ownership category.
Note: The SNFs are ordered by state and provider name, and you can use Excel’s “Find & Select” feature to search for a SNF by name.
The staffing data is from the latest PBJ data that is publicly available (i.e., Q1 2023). Although licensed practical nurses (LPN) hours are not part of the proposed regulation, but they are included in the file to give context to the other staffing hours. While many of the fields are from Care Compare, there are a few added fields to give some additional insights:
- RN Status: lists whether the SNF meets the minimum RN hours requirement.
- Aide Status: lists whether the SNF meets the minimum aide hours requirement.
- RN increase % to meet min std: the percentage by which current RN staffing would need to be increased to meet the minimum RN requirement.
- Aide increase % to meet min std: the percentage by which current RN staffing would need to be increased to meet the minimum Aide requirement.
- Count of days with residents: the number of days during Q1 2023 where the MDS Census was greater than 0.
- Count of days not meeting RN min std: the number of days during Q1 2023 where the RN minimum hours requirement was not met.
- Count of days not meeting Aide min std: the number of days during Q1 2023 where the aide minimum hours requirement was not met.
- Percent of days not meeting RN min std: the percentage of days during Q1 2023 with an MDS Census greater than 0 and the RN minimum hours requirement was not met.
- Percent of days not meeting Aide min std: the percentage of days during Q1 2023 with an MDS Census greater than 0 and the aide minimum hours requirement was not met.
Currently, the publicly reported PBJ numbers do not include actual time values as it only includes total hours worked by day. This means that currently there is no way from the PBJ data to determine how SNFs are meeting the proposed requirement of an RN working 24 hours a day/7 days a week.
Note of clarification:
The following columns are based on the quarterly average reported hours/resident-day:
- Reported RN Hours/Res-Day
- Reported Aide Hours/Res-Day
- Reported LPN Hours/Res-Day
- RN Status
- Aide Status
- RN increase % to meet min standard
- Aide increase % to meet min standard
The remaining columns that follow the above seven columns use daily staffing hours and census values. A SNF could on average (i.e., quarterly) be meeting the proposed minimum, while at the same time having days where the standard is not being met. Viewing all the columns of data for a SNF is necessary to have a full picture of how a SNF stands regarding the proposed minimum staffing regulations.
We will update this spreadsheet as we develop new information. Data on cost impact will be added soon.