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This spring is a perfect time for LeadingAge and our members to highlight the joy-filled “reunions” of family members; enable families and residents to recognize and express gratitude to your dedicated staff for the contributions they have made throughout this crisis; and showcase community excitement about turning the corner as spring begins.

To help get our stories out, we have prepared a collection of customizable templates for your use. Below you will find samples to help you reach out to local press and share the moving reunions among family members on social media channels.:

We want to highlight the great work and celebrations happening across the continuum, so we hope you’ll take the time to share “reunion” videos and photographs, along with stories that we might use for national media pitching. You can send these to


PR Templates:  Below are templates for your customization, including an op-ed, media advisory, and a sample pitch script. We recommend customizing these materials with as many local details as possible, including: 1) sspecific anecdotes or efforts to facilitate reunions and the benefits you’ve seen, and 2) stories or observations of how the last few months have strengthened connections between staff and clients/residents. And of course, you will want to customize and adjust these materials in accordance with current visitation status guidelines.

LeadingAge and our communications team are standing by to help with individualized advice on how you can maximize the impact of these tools, so please do not hesitate to reach out!

Social Media Activities:

Sample Social Media Posts: