Take Action with LeadingAge
Your voice matters—on Capitol Hill and at home. Your members of Congress are getting ready for summer recess and it's an opportunity for you to get them into your community or organization! Let them see firsthand the incredible services you deliver and discuss the challenges you face. Together, we can motivate and influence the crafting of legislation and impact the future of aging services.
Advocacy Resources
The following resources are here at your fingertips to help you prepare for discussing the critical issues impacting your organization:
Overall Aging Services Sector One-Pager
Key Aging Services Bills LeadingAge Supports
HCBS Payment Adequacy One-Pager
Aging Services Care Settings and Topics One-Pagers:
After Your Visit
We love to spotlight your advocacy efforts! Please share your photos and stories for us in LeadingAge National communications, marketing, and social media. Email your submissions to Gene Mitchell.
Also, don’t forget to share about your visit in our brief survey!
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Capitol Hill
First Time on the Hill? Check out our video and FAQs.