Evolution Business Technology’s IDP (Infectious Disease Prevention) Entrance and Personnel Monitoring Station is a solution providing businesses, schools, hospitals, and other public areas the ability to […]
Tools Category: Acute Rehab Facilities
VirtuSense Technologies, VSTBalance
VSTBalance uses AI and machine vision to identify mobility deficits in older adults and compare against normative data to determine their risk of falling. Recommend
Vigorous Mind activities platform and Vigorous Mind Robot (VMR)
The Vigorous Mind Robot and the Vigorous Mind Web Platform. Alleviate social isolation, save staff time, lower the risk of infection ande ngage seniors remotely. […]
Electronic Caregiver, Inc.
Electronic Caregiver (ECG) is a telehealth technology and services company providing solutions for remote patient monitoring, chronic care management, transitional care management, personal emergency response, […]
Vigorous Mind Robot (VMR)
The Vigorous Mind Robot and the Vigorous Mind Web Platform Recommend
Suquino’s Saffron
Suquino is a TELEHEALTH COMPANY that better aligns wellness with care by creating a paradigm shift in healthcare delivery with its flagship TELEHEALTH Platform Saffron. Recommend
Keenly Health
Without leads, cuffs, or pressure-based sensors, the Keenly Virtual Medical Assistant™ offers the first patient and resident monitoring system that’s completely free of physical contact. […]
Third Eye Health
The nation’s largest post acute telehealth provider. Empowering nursing homes to reduce hospital readmissions and provide higher acuity care. Recommend
O’kase is a portable smart pill case with customizable pill storage and smart reminder for dosing schedule. It connects to the internet with cellular module, […]
Code Corporation
For more than 20 years, Code Corporation has been an industry pioneer, leader, and champion for data capture innovation and has garnered more than 100 […]