RTZ Systems is a leading provider of PACE software and complementary case management / care coordination software. We provide cloud-based software solutions to more than 1,000 […]
Tools Category: Clinical Decision Support Systems
ECP – Extended Care Professional
Extended Care Professional (ECP) is an EHR (electronic health record), eMAR (electronic medication administration record), and clinical charting system for long-term care communities. ECP offers […]
Electronic Caregiver, Inc.
Electronic Caregiver (ECG) is a telehealth technology and services company providing solutions for remote patient monitoring, chronic care management, transitional care management, personal emergency response, […]
Suquino’s Saffron
Suquino is a TELEHEALTH COMPANY that better aligns wellness with care by creating a paradigm shift in healthcare delivery with its flagship TELEHEALTH Platform Saffron. Recommend
Keenly Health
Without leads, cuffs, or pressure-based sensors, the Keenly Virtual Medical Assistant™ offers the first patient and resident monitoring system that’s completely free of physical contact. […]
Third Eye Health
The nation’s largest post acute telehealth provider. Empowering nursing homes to reduce hospital readmissions and provide higher acuity care. Recommend
Cervey is a market leader in technology solutions for Pharmacies, PBMs and Long Term Care. Our solutions simplify and streamline operations, from prescription claims processing […]
ViTel Net
Enable our clients to improve the health and well-being of individuals and communities with innovative technology and services that facilitate the delivery of care anywhere […]
Hamilton ® CapTel® for Web/iOS/Android™ mobile devices – smartphone, tablet, laptop and desktop
Since 2003, Hamilton® CapTel® has made more than 100 million captioned telephone conversations possible for individuals with hearing loss. This is the kind of dedication […]
Hamilton ® CapTel® phone for the home
Since 2003, Hamilton® CapTel® has made more than 100 million captioned telephone conversations possible for individuals with hearing loss. This is the kind of dedication […]