In a Healthcare setting, cost accounting is used to identify costs down to the patient/resident level. Cost accounting is a method of accounting in which […]
Tools Category: 3rd-Party Hosted Model or Software as a Service Model (SaaS) where I pay for usage
ECP – Extended Care Professional
Extended Care Professional (ECP) is an EHR (electronic health record), eMAR (electronic medication administration record), and clinical charting system for long-term care communities. ECP offers […]
Meet JayPad, the ZERO BARRIERS talking tablet. Users don’t have to navigate nor do anything else in order to join a virtual activity or a Telehealth […]
Electronic Caregiver, Inc.
Electronic Caregiver (ECG) is a telehealth technology and services company providing solutions for remote patient monitoring, chronic care management, transitional care management, personal emergency response, […]
Vigorous Mind Robot (VMR)
The Vigorous Mind Robot and the Vigorous Mind Web Platform Recommend
Suquino’s Saffron
Suquino is a TELEHEALTH COMPANY that better aligns wellness with care by creating a paradigm shift in healthcare delivery with its flagship TELEHEALTH Platform Saffron. Recommend
Third Eye Health
The nation’s largest post acute telehealth provider. Empowering nursing homes to reduce hospital readmissions and provide higher acuity care. Recommend
ViTel Net
Enable our clients to improve the health and well-being of individuals and communities with innovative technology and services that facilitate the delivery of care anywhere […]
CuePath Innovation
CuePath Innovation is a healthcare technology company focused on resolving medication non-adherence. Its mission is to bring peace of mind to caregivers by improving the […]
Sentrics (Powered by Silversphere and Ciscor)
Sentrics is a vibrant ecosystem of data-driven solutions focused on delivering the highest quality of life for senior residents. Through actionable physical, medical, mental and […]