Zemplee is redefining how the elderly are cared for. Improving quality of life by our strategically placed smart-sensors allow for our AI to track daily […]
Tools Category: Family Engagement
enliveo is a special online and mobile app designed by and for older adults who are 75 years old and over. We offer engaging and […]
Meet JayPad, the ZERO BARRIERS talking tablet. Users don’t have to navigate nor do anything else in order to join a virtual activity or a Telehealth […]
MyHello is a tech-enabled, LIVE phone visit platform that uses life story and reminiscence methods to increase social connectedness. MyHello supports social determinants of health […]
VirtuSense Technologies, VSTOne
Reduce PPE usage and protect your frontline workers with remote vitals monitoring, bed-exit alerts, and live two-way video communication. Recommend
Vigorous Mind activities platform and Vigorous Mind Robot (VMR)
The Vigorous Mind Robot and the Vigorous Mind Web Platform. Alleviate social isolation, save staff time, lower the risk of infection ande ngage seniors remotely. […]
Electronic Caregiver, Inc.
Electronic Caregiver® has become a leading and highly recognized brand for virtual care solutions and Remote Patient Monitoring services. The company staff size more than doubled […]
Vigorous Mind Robot (VMR)
The Vigorous Mind Robot and the Vigorous Mind Web Platform Recommend
Keenly Health
Without leads, cuffs, or pressure-based sensors, the Keenly Virtual Medical Assistant™ offers the first patient and resident monitoring system that’s completely free of physical contact. […]
Third Eye Health
The nation’s largest post acute telehealth provider. Empowering nursing homes to reduce hospital readmissions and provide higher acuity care. Recommend