At K4Connect, we create solutions that serve and empower older adults and individuals living with disabilities, enhancing lives by integrating the latest in smart technologies […]
Tools Category: Family Engagement
InTouchLink has been designed with and for senior living operators and communities. We have a singular focus and all our principals come from the senior […]
Hamilton CapTel Captioned Telephone
Since 2003, Hamilton® CapTel® has made more than 100 million captioned telephone conversations possible for individuals with hearing loss. This is the kind of dedication […]
Cubigo is a cloud-based platform transforming the quality of life for older adults in senior living across the world. It connects residents, families, and staff […]
Connected Living
Connected Living, Inc., is a social impact company founded to bridge the “digital divide” between millions of seniors and their families, friends and communities. The […] Avatar
With, patients simply talk with a captivating avatar that serves as the face for’s team of specially trained health advocates. The platform engages […]
PARO Robot
PARO is an advanced interactive robot developed by AIST, a leading Japanese industrial automation pioneer. It allows the documented benefits of animal therapy to be […]
GrandCare Systems
GrandCare is a suite of technologies designed to reduce costs and improve outcomes by enabling family members, caregivers and healthcare professionals to monitor and care […]
Theora Care – Theora Connect and Theora Link Pro
Clairvoyant Networks, LLC, has developed the Theora Care suite of IoT devices and SaaS applications to provide family and professional caregivers with better condition information, communications, […]
Cornell’s Inform
Cornell Communication’s inform system is a complete nurse call system with two-way communication and real-time data on staff productivity and resident care levels. It runs on an easy-to-use […]