At Linked Senior we believe in a world where people of all ages are respected and valued. This is why we build simple, evidence-based and […]
Tools Category: Tablet
LifeBio captures life stories. We work with thousands of people in the U.S. and around the world to help them share their unique background, lessons […]
At K4Connect, we create solutions that serve and empower older adults and individuals living with disabilities, enhancing lives by integrating the latest in smart technologies […]
InTouchLink has been designed with and for senior living operators and communities. We have a singular focus and all our principals come from the senior […]
Hamilton CapTel Captioned Telephone
Since 2003, HamiltonĀ® CapTelĀ® has made more than 100 million captioned telephone conversations possible for individuals with hearing loss. This is the kind of dedication […]
Cubigo is a cloud-based platform transforming the quality of life for older adults in senior living across the world. It connects residents, families, and staff […]
Connected Living
Connected Living, Inc., is a social impact company founded to bridge the “digital divide” between millions of seniors and their families, friends and communities. The […] Avatar
With, patients simply talk with a captivating avatar that serves as the face for’s team of specially trained health advocates. The platform engages […]
GrandCare Systems
GrandCare is a suite of technologies designed to reduce costs and improve outcomes by enabling family members, caregivers and healthcare professionals to monitor and care […]