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Follow these 3 easy steps to connect with your U.S. House and Senate offices to tell your story.

1. Visit and enter your address to find out who are your elected members of the House and Senate. Call your local office and offer to host your elected official at your community or visit at the district office close to you. They will likely ask you to follow up with a written request via email. Be sure to let them know you want to meet directly with the member of Congress and their staff.

Sample Meeting Request

Subject of the meeting: LeadingAge Aging Services Provider Virtual Meeting Request

Description of the Meeting: 

My name is NAME. I am a member of LeadingAge and provide care for older adults in our community.

Right now, the COVID-19 pandemic is causing a huge strain on my community and we need Congress to take action to provide immediate relief.

In our virtual meeting with Representative/Senator _____, we hope to discuss needed support during the COVID-19 pandemic in the coming year and beyond.

If the Representative/Senator is unavailable to meet, I would gladly meet with a staff member whose portfolio focuses on older adult health and affordable housing issues. You can follow-up with me at the email address and phone number indicated in this form. Thank you in advance. I look forward to hearing from your office soon.

2. Use these prepared talking points to discuss our key legislative issues with your congressional office. Don’t worry about having too many facts and stats. The most important tool you have is your story of the struggles and help you need as you provide care during this health crisis.

3. Once you have met with your elected members of Congress virtually, let us know how it went at

If you have specific questions about our legislative issues or your member of Congress, contact Joe Franco, vice president of grassroots, at 202-508-9442 or

Congress needs to hear from passionate Advocacy Champions for older adult services like you. Your story is critical to our efforts. Join us as we spring into action and make our policy priorities a reality.