July 14, 2023

HUD Request Seeks Input on Streamlining

The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) published a Request for Information on July 13 asking the public how the agency can make programs easier to access and use. According to HUD’s press release, the RFI focuses on streamlining the “administrative burden”—the time and effort spent learning about, applying for, or documenting eligibility for government programs.

In the RFI, HUD acknowledges that “administrative hurdles and paperwork burdens disproportionately fall on the most vulnerable populations and prevent individuals and entities from accessing benefits for which they are legally eligible.”

In particular, HUD invites comments on which application and eligibility forms could be simplified; how to reduce the burden for people with disabilities, people with limited English proficiency, and other vulnerable groups; what data and information should be responsibly shared among federal agencies or with the public; and how artificial intelligence or machine learning could improve or streamline processes required by HUD.

Since most HUD programs are administered by recipients of HUD funds, not by the agency itself, HUD also invites public input on how to reduce the burden on recipients and administrators of HUD funding such as the non-profit affordable senior housing providers members of LeadingAge.

HUD’s comment period will be open for 30 days, until August 12. LeadingAge will work with members to submit constructive feedback to the agency; reach out to Juliana (jbilowich@leadingage.org) to get involved.