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How We Support Assisted Living

LeadingAge supports members like you with access to solutions and information, including:

  • Guidance and Technical Assistance

    on critical topics such as Medicaid, EEOC, and infection control.

  • Access to Learning Opportunities

    for your entire team—often discounted or free to members.

  • State and Federal Advocacy

    for policies that remove barriers to care, develop new services, and improve reimbursement.

  • Timely Information on Key Issues

    to keep staff teams informed via regular member update calls, emails, action alerts, and newsletters.

  • A Virtual LeadingAge Member Community

    where assisted living providers can connect with one another, ask questions, share resources, and spark ideas.

Ready to Join?

There has never been a greater need for an effective, unified, and collaborative voice for aging services. Join us in making a difference.

Aging Services Professionals Agree

LeadingAge offers a unique membership experience and value that you can’t find anywhere else!

“Now more than ever, we are grateful for the leadership and collaboration that are hallmarks of LeadingAge.”

LeadingAge Member

Portland, ME

Additional Benefits

Workforce Solutions You Need

LeadingAge delivers a steady stream of news, information and tools for members. Through our Center for Managed Care Solutions & Innovations and Center for Workforce Solutions, assisted living providers find all they need on topics like integrated service delivery, alternative payment models, and staff recruitment and retention.

Policy & Regulatory Guidance

LeadingAge policy, regulatory and legal experts help assisted living members navigate the increasingly complex aging services landscape. You’ll receive guidance and technical assistance on essential topics like infection control, OSHA workplace safety, and DOL wage and hour issues. We also advise members on state regulations and standards governing assisted living and memory care.

Education & Professional Development

At the LeadingAge Annual Meeting + EXPO and Leadership Summit, assisted living providers earn CEUs while networking with peers from across the sector. On-demand learning is available anytime from the LeadingAge Knowledge Center—and it’s discounted or free for members. You’ll also have exclusive access to our signature Leadership Academy, which has ignited the careers of hundreds of aging services professionals.

Advocay & Public Relations

Through our relationships with lawmakers and the press, LeadingAge elevates and illuminates the issues that matter most to aging services providers and older adults. We fight to remove barriers to care and improve funding for the sector. Our current policy priorities for assisted living range from securing COVID-19 resources to addressing inadequate reimbursement rates.

Business Solutions & Discounts

LeadingAge members get special discounts and incentives from our trusted Corporate Alliance Program partners—and our member-driven group purchasing program Value First offers discounted pricing and rebates on food, equipment, and supplies.

Prestigious Research & Expertise

LeadingAge helps you apply promising practices in assisted living. The LeadingAge Center for Aging Services Technologies (CAST) offers tools that make it easy to evaluate and adopt emerging technologies. Members also participate in research and pilots led by the LeadingAge LTSS Center @UMass Boston.


Hello, we are LeadingAge!

Are you ready to become a member? Contact us for more.