Don’t Miss Tech Sessions April 16-19 with LeadingAge
Be sure to join CAST April 16-19, 2023, to learn innovative tech strategies that will strengthen your organization’s future. The 2023 Health & Housing Symposium: Digital Equity Is Health Equity and the LeadingAge Leadership Summit will address technology innovations and policy around digital inclusion and access, solutions that prevent infections and achieve quality care, strategies around risk management, and more.
Both will take place at the Omni Shoreham Hotel in Washington, DC.
2023 Health & Housing Symposium: Digital Equity Is Health Equity
The 2023 Health & Housing Symposium: Digital Equity Is Health Equity takes place immediately prior to the summit on Sunday, April 16, 2023, from 2:30 – 5 p.m. A networking reception follows from 5-6 p.m.
Parker Health Group, Inc., a LeadingAge CAST Patron, is presenting the symposium in partnership with the LeadingAge Leadership Summit.
Leaders from technology and policy sectors will highlight innovative models of digital inclusion, care, service, and housing to improve health equity, health outcomes, and the ability to age in community. You can exchange ideas and brainstorm how we collectively strengthen and catalyze opportunities to leverage new federal and state funding to erase the digital divide for older adults. Register today!
LeadingAge Leadership Summit
The LeadingAge Leadership Summit will be held April 17-19, 2023. Four technology sessions will take place at this must-attend event for leaders:
- Policy Priorities: Technology Access
- Using Technology to Achieve Quality in Nursing Homes
- Making Sense of Infection Control Technology
- Leveraging Data and Tools to Navigate Unprecedented Risk and Opportunity
At the summit, you will gain solutions to today’s and tomorrow’s challenges, empower staff to work more efficiently, connect with hundreds of executive peers, and influence the nation’s decision-makers. Register today!
LeadingAge CAST encourages all leaders to attend these essential sessions.
4-A. Policy Priorities: Technology Access
Monday, April 17, 2023
3:30 – 5:00 p.m.
Access to care-enabling technologies—including interoperable electronic health records, telehealth, and affordable broadband connectivity—has expanded considerably over the past few years, thanks to regulatory flexibility, emergency authorizations, and new funding opportunities. Yet, the long-term and post-acute care (LTPAC) sector still struggles with technology access challenges.
This session will examine those challenges and will explore needed legislation and regulations that could ensure technology can continue to enhance support service delivery models. Discover the steps LeadingAge has taken to advocate for technology-related policies and learn how providers from different care settings can advocate for the technology priorities most relevant to them.
- Todd Adams, Director, Health Legislative Affairs, LeadingAge
- Juliana Bilowich, Director, Housing Operations & Policy, LeadingAge
- Scott Code, VP, Center for Aging Services Technologies (CAST), LeadingAge
9-B. Using Technology to Achieve Quality in Nursing Homes
Tuesday, April 18, 2023
9:00 – 10:30 a.m.
In 2022, the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) released a groundbreaking report containing recommendations to improve nursing home quality, including the adoption of health information technology (HIT) in all nursing homes.
During this session, you’ll hear three members of the Moving Forward Nursing Home Quality Coalition describe their work to advance the NASEM report’s technology recommendations.
Presenters will report on their progress developing a five-year roadmap for HIT adoption in nursing homes and will share strategies for tying HIT adoption to quality measures, establishing HIT processes that enhance the collection of each resident’s health goals, and measuring how each resident’s care aligns with those goals. Learn how these processes can be established in nursing homes and other care settings.
- Alice Bonner, Moving Forward Coalition, Institute For Healthcare Improvement (IHI)
- Gregory Alexander, Co-chair Committee #7 HIT Adoption, Columbia University School of Nursing
19-D. Making Sense of Infection Control Technology
Tuesday, April 18, 2023
3:45 – 5:15 p.m.
The coronavirus pandemic focused attention on the importance—and the challenges—of controlling the spread of infection in residential care settings. A host of technology solutions can help aging services settings meet the highest standards of infection control. Unfortunately, the number, variety, and complexities of these technologies can be overwhelming for providers.
This session will share the full range of available infection control technologies, including systems that address hand-hygiene compliance, surface/object cleaning and disinfection, air filtration and disinfection, staff and resident screening, contact tracing, and infection control reporting.
Listen as providers describe how they implemented a technology-enabled infection-control strategy and the lessons they learned along the way. Get familiar with a new resource from the LeadingAge Center for Aging Services Technologies that will help you make sense of infection control technologies.
- Scott Code, VP, Center for Aging Services Technologies (CAST), LeadingAge
- Jim Dellapa, CIO, Parker Health Group, Inc.
- Susan Seydel, Administrator, Harsfield Village
26-F. Leveraging Data and Tools to Navigate Unprecedented Risk and Opportunity
Wednesday, April 19, 2023
11:00 a.m.- 12:30p.m.
The viability of aging services organizations depends on the ability of their leaders to navigate the growing complexity, shifting markets, and economic uncertainty of our current operating environment. Successful leaders can address these challenges by integrating data metrics and diagnostic insights into their core systems for strategy development and execution, risk appetite and taking, and operational alignment, clarity, and focus.
This session will drive home the necessity of unlocking the right data to help you understand key industry trends and your own internal performance, and tools to carry out a better and faster decision making.
Presenters will help you identify key insights, industry analytics, and diagnostic tools that are most relevant to the health of your organization. Learn how to establish decision-making processes that are rooted in data. Discover how this shift could improve organizational outcomes today while establishing a path for future success.
- Bill Bojan, Founder and CEO, Integrated Governance Solutions
- Michael Barbouche, Founder & CEO, Forward Health Group
- Kristin Jacobson, Interim CEO, Johnson Memorial Care Center
- Matt Johnson, Consultant, Integrated Governance Solutions
Don’t miss this invaluable summit. Register today!

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