February 20, 2025

Hourly Rate Increases for ALF CNAs/RAs Continue to Decline in 2024

BY Josh Moore

Hourly increases for RAs and CNAs in assisted living communities continued to decline from the double-digit increases seen in 2021/2022. Resident Assistant rates increased by 3.95% in 2024, down from an increase of 10.61% in 2021. Lead Resident Assistant hourly rates increased by 4.44% in 2024, down from an increase of 7.99% in 2021. CNAs rate increases had the most dramatic decline in 2024, dropping from a high of 9.79% in 2022 to 3.03% in 2024.

Turnover rates also continued to decline, after peaking in 2021. RAs turnover had the most significant decline, dropping to 44.46% after a high of 68.09% turnover in 2021; 49.08% in 2022; and 47.10% in 2023. CNA turnover declined to 40.28%; dropping from 46.27% in 2021; 43.84% in 2022; and 41.88% in 2023.

The national 50th percentile for CNAs was $18.71 in 2024. In a comparison of rates by state, CNAs in Washington received $20.85/hour; CNAs in Colorado received $23.39/hour; and California CNAs ranked the highest in pay at $24.11/hour. On the lower spectrum, CNAs in Texas received $16.00/hour, while RAs in Tennessee received $15.87/hour. (Data reported are the national 50th percentile.) 

55.22% of participants indicated they offered sign-on bonuses to attract new employees. The average sign-on bonus for Certified Nurse Aides was $2,046; the average sign-on bonus for Resident Assistants was $1,142. Both numbers reflect a slight decrease from the 2023 numbers.

The Assisted Living Salary & Benefits Report covers 20 management and 30 non-management positions. 1,067 Assisted Living communities participated in the study and provided data for over 76,750 employees. The Report includes data from ALFs, PCFs, and RCFs. Data are reported according to for profit and not-for-profit status, revenue size, unit-size, state, CBSA, and geographic region. Also covered are 19 fringe benefits and projected salary increases for 2025. Data are effective as of October 2024.

While the latest Assisted Living Report is available for $400, the price for LeadingAge members is $325.

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