HUD Funding Votes Scheduled, Advocates Press Congress
The House Committee on Appropriations has scheduled votes on its fiscal year 2023 HUD appropriations bill. The time between now and then is an excellent opportunity for housing stakeholders with Representatives on the full appropriations committee or its HUD subcommittee to communicate affordable senior housing priorities to these key decision makers.
The FY23 HUD bill will be considered in the Appropriations Subcommittee on Transportation, and Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies on June 23; the full Committee will consider the bill on June 30.
Full Committee members and HUD Appropriations Subcommittee members should hear from housing stakeholders now.
Now is the time to urge your Senators and Representatives to increase funding for affordable senior housing to preserve and expand affordable housing for older adults with very low incomes.
Your advocacy matters and your voice makes an impact. Please send an email today using this link.
Ask your members of Congress to increase HUD funding for affordable senior housing:
Expand the supply of affordable senior housing. Provide $600 million for new capital advances and operating assistance, including service coordinators, for approximately 6,200 new HUD Section 202 Supportive Housing for the Elderly homes.
Preserve and improve HUD-assisted housing. Provide full funding for Section 8 Project-Based Rental Assistance (PBRA) and Project Rental Assistance Contract (PRAC) renewals, including funding to acknowledge elevated operational costs, including for insurance, safety and staffing, sustained after the onset of COVID.
Ensure RAD for PRAC success. Provide $10 million for RAD for PRAC conversion subsidy to ensure the successful and long-term preservation of Section 202/PRAC homes.
Connect HUD-assisted residents to the services and supports they need to age in the community:
- Provide $125 million for the renewal of existing service coordinator grants.
- Provide $100 million for 400 new, three-year service coordinator grants and expand eligibility to Section 202/PRAC communities.
- Provide a $31 million increase for new budget-based service coordinators.
- Expand ConnectHome and Neighborhood Networks programs to improve internet access in HUD multifamily housing, and direct HUD to collaborate with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NITA) to bridge the connectivity divide.