HUD Regional Administrators Appointed
On January 20, the White House announced Regional Administrators to lead several of HUD’s Regional Offices that directly serve state and local organizations. Regional Administrators oversee field offices across each state in their region and ensure the Department directly serves local communities.
Regional Administrators play a key role in leading assignments of housing assistance funds within the region and coordinating those assignments with HUD headquarters. There are 10 Regional Administrators.
HUD had appointed Regional Administrators for Region 5 (serving serves Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, and Wisconsin), Region 6 (serving Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, and Wyoming), and Region 9 (serving Arizona, California, Hawaii, and Nevada) in December and Region 10 (serving Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington) earlier this month.
Appointments for Regional Administrators in regions 1 and 6 have yet to be made.