LeadingAge Reiterates HUD Funding Priorities, Urges No More CRs
Today, LeadingAge urged House and Senate appropriators to finalize the fiscal year 2022 HUD appropriations bill, reiterating our priorities as well as describing the havoc wrought by multiple Continuing Resolutions to HUD’s housing programs. The current Continuing Resolution (CR), keeping federal programs funded at last year’s levels, expires on February 18. LeadingAge urges Congress to adopt a final FY22 HUD funding bill, and no more CRs, by February 18.
“Continuing Resolutions wreak havoc on HUD affordable housing programs,” the letter says. “We are very concerned that another Continuing Resolution, past the February 18 expiration of the current Continuing Resolution, could result in insufficient contract renewal resources and, thus, affordable senior housing providers not receiving funding needed to operate their communities. If an additional Continuing Resolution is required, we strongly urge Congress to include anomalies as necessary to ensure HUD-assisted residents are not negatively impacted.”
The letter also reiterated LeadingAge’s priorities for the FY22 HUD funding bill, including expanding the supply of Section 202 Supportive Housing for the Elderly Homes, full and timely renewal funding for Project Rental Assistance Contracts (PRAC) and Project-Based Rental Assistance and Service Coordinator contracts, new Service Coordinators, and improvements to the Rental Assistance Demonstration program for Section 202/PRACs.
Read the letter here.

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