News Topic: Medicare
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LeadingAge comments CMS-3414-IFC
LeadingAge Blueprint Aging Infrastructure
LeadingAge’s Blueprint for a Better Aging Infrastructure is a series of recommendations that address the economic, social, and racial inequities older Americans face by expanding […]
HRSA issues PRF Reporting Timelines; New Spending Deadlines
This is the first article in a series that will examine the implications of the recent reporting guidance for providers. Which payments does the […]
Recap of Senate COVID-19 Flexibilities Hearing
Much of the focus of the hearing was on telehealth and investigating how best to continue those flexibilities. There was broad support Committee-wide, on both […]
Medicare Sequester Suspension Continued Through End of 2021
On April 14, President Biden signed the Medicare sequester suspension bill. This legislation continues the suspension of the 2% Medicare reimbursement cuts (the “sequester”) through […]
HHS Take Stronger Stance on PRF Recoupment and Accountability
While the FAQs have always said that there would be some sort of reconciliation process at the end, the updated FAQs set a different tone […]
House Votes to Suspend Medicare Sequester and PAYGO Cuts
On March 19, the House passed bipartisan legislation (H.R. 1868) that would prevent reimbursement rate cuts for Medicare providers, including several types of aging services […]